" The Master in the art of living makes no distinction between his work and his play.....He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him he is always doing both."

Friday, February 12, 2010

SUP Core Intervals

The major principle in training is SAID (Specific Adaptions to Imposed Demands.) Meaning your body will adapt to the stresses that is under. Therefore you have to mimic the movements and energy system used in your sport. When you look at SUP as a racing sport it is essentially a power endurance sport that uses a tremendous amount of core. Your heart rate is generally in the high cardio zone approaching the anaerobic zone (like sprinting). In previous posts I have discussed the importance of interval training in order to maximize cardio workouts after all you have to train fast to be fast. My workout today was a perfect example of using the core movements of SUP, the energy systems involved, and applying them in a new way for a training affect that will undeniably translate over to performance on the board. Try applying these principles to your next in the gym workout.

"I understand you might not know what I mean by the core based movements, but really you can do this with any exercise whether you are training for SUP or not. Thereare some pictures similar to what I did below."

Run Speed Core Based Movement
Interval 1 2 mins at 7mph 15 sledge hammer tire hits on each side
Interval 2 2 mins at 7.5mph 15 medicine ball throws facing the wall each side
Interval 3 2 mins at 8mph 15 cable SUP chops
Interval 4 2 mins at 7 mph 15 1 armed sledge hammer tire hits each side
Interval 5 2 mins at 7.5mph 15 medicine ball throws perpendicular to the wall
Interval 6 2 mins at 8mph 15 cable SUP chops
Interval 7 2 mins at 7mph 15 sledge hammer baseball swing tire strikes
Interval 8 2 mins at 7.5 mph 15 over shoulder medicine ball throws each side
Interval 9 2 mins at 8 mph 15 cable SUP chops

Amazing workout! Ran 2.25 miles and blasted my core. My heart rate was through the roof for almost an hour. I finished off the workout with an 1:15 yoga class to make sure I stayed up on my Most-Ability. It is chilly in Florida, but I am headed to Clearwater to get some paddling in with Brody Welte of Stand Up Fitness standupfitnessinc.com. Have a great weekend.

You get the gist of the sledgehammer. Think you are at the fair an want to make the little ball hit the top. I never seem to win a prize though.

I did 3 different versions, but notice the hip and shoulder drive. Similar loading to SUP just at a different angle.

I did a little closer to a sup movement to this, but I am sure you can see the carry over.

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