Friday was an amazing day! I teamed up with Kim from paddleboard Orlando, and got a few of my coworkers and clients out for their first paddle. Being that we were all fitness buffs Kim and i didn't exactly take it easy on them. We taught paddle basics and went the .75 miles out to dog island in the middle of lake maitland. We were on our way to muddlake for a fitness class, when my buddy Bruce got caught watching the fisherman who hooked a bass and whoops he went in. The cold water didn't ruin Bruce's spirits as he didn't even want to towel off. He wanted to just keep going fully addicted. After that I went into paddlefit mode as I took the group through pushups, squats, sprint paddles, and core work. If that wasn't enough Kim took us through some YOW. What awesome stuff. If you are ever in Orlando you must seek Kim out for this unique paddle experience. Kim and I are getting together again this Thursday to brainstorm and there will be many more groups in O-town. Thanks again Kim. You only live once! YOLO! Enjoy the slide show at the bottom.
4 weeks ago
Awesome y'all! Looks like a blast!!! I can't wait to join the group!